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AppSense Personalization Server ConfigPoll setting

AppSense Personalization Server ConfigPoll setting

Posted by HTG

AppSense’s very own Mr Helpful Richard Thompson covered this subject more than adequately over on his own blog recently, but I figured I would pay it a brief visit as it came up today on a client site I have been working at.

On to the case in point. There is a setting in the Global Settings section of Personalization Server called configpoll. This correlates to the interval (measured in seconds) at which each managed endpoint connects to the Personalization Server and downloads a configuration. For versions of AppSense Environment Manager from version 8.0 to 8.2, the default was set to 600. So every ten minutes, each managed client would be connecting to and downloading a configuration from the Personalization Server.

This shows the default setting from earlier versions – this is from an 8.0 system

In version 8.3, the latest version at time of writing, AppSense have finally seen the light and have changed the default setting to 86400, which equates to 24 hours. This makes sense – as Richard points out in his article, most application access is provided via Active Directory groups so a logoff would be required to acquire the new application, which means there is really no need to be refreshing the configuration on such a regular basis. If you work in an environment where access is provided in a different way, then by all means do some testing to find out what level of config polling works for you, but I’m willing to bet in 99% of environments that the 86400 setting will be fine.

The thing to remember is that upgrades to version 8.3 won’t overwrite the previous default setting of 600 – only a fresh install will change it. So if you’re on an older version or have upgraded to version 8.3, it would make sense to go in and change the configpoll setting to a larger number.

The setting changed to the 8.3 recommended level

Once changed, this should help cut down on unnecessary network traffic and hopefully improve the performance of your AppSense Personalization Server.


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